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April 15

What Does a Digital Marketing Coach Do for B2Bs?

“You fight great, but I’m a great fighter” – Apollo Creed, 1982

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October 27

HOW TO: Create a Resilient Inbound Marketing Strategy

Avoiding Marketing Technical Debt and Building a Strong Inbound Marketing Foundation In today's rapidly evolving marketing landscape, adaptability and forward-thinking are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in your business. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook the importance of establishing a solid marketing foundation, similar to accumulating "technical debt" in the tech world over time. That's why in this blog post, we'll delve deep into the concept of marketing technical debt. We'll explore strategies to avoid it and provide you with a step-by-step guide to building a resilient marketing foundation that will drive long-term success.

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June 22

HubSpot Pro vs. Enterprise: 2023 Features & Pricing

HubSpot is the biggest and best in a sea of CRM (customer relationship management) tools. As B2B companies and customers evolve, so does HubSpot's software, and keeping pace with the improvements is both exciting and challenging.

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May 15

What Is HubSpot Sales Hub? Features, Tiers, & Prices for 2023

I recently had a new client (and HubSpot devotee) describe HubSpot's Sales Hub better than I had in my 6 years of digital marketing. This B2B company's employees almost universally avoided using HubSpot until management forced the issue in 2023. The client's CEO explained:

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May 04

HubSpot Features for all 5 Hubs (+ Cost per Tier)

Whether you're held responsible your company’s marketing, sales, operations, or customer service outcomes -- or all four -- HubSpot's got a solution. HubSpot's features list stretches to the moon and is the top reason 150,000+ companies use the platform (us included). Sounds lovely (and it is), but the massive list of software Hubs, features, and pricing tiers can overwhelm newcomers with lack of clarity.

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February 06

5 Trade Show Follow-Up Email Templates to Nurture Your Leads

You attend trade shows to obtain valuable leads for your company. But do you have a plan in place for what to do once you’re back in the office from the trade show so you can move those leads closer to a purchase?

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January 30

25 Ways to Increase Brand Awareness with Inbound Marketing

One of the top concerns among our brand-new clients is a lack of brand awareness. They have so many great things to offer, but no one seems to know they exist. Does this sound like you?

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January 26

B2B Marketing Automation & Lead Nurturing Emails: 20 Must-Know Stats

When you’ve finally found that great lead -- or leads -- through your inbound marketing efforts, the relationship with that potential customer is just beginning. In fact, interactions between your company and that fresh lead should span every step of the buyer’s journey and their trip down the sales funnel. It'll require regular engagement and providing appropriate information at the right time, along with awesome sales follow-up emails and other outreach.

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November 21

Inbound vs. ABM: A Deep Dive into Best Practice

Content marketing strategy is a key component of business success. When it comes to content strategy, both inbound marketing and account-based marketing (ABM) come into play.

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