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April 15

What Does a Digital Marketing Coach Do for B2Bs?

“You fight great, but I’m a great fighter” – Apollo Creed, 1982

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June 22

HubSpot Pro vs. Enterprise: 2023 Features & Pricing

HubSpot is the biggest and best in a sea of CRM (customer relationship management) tools. As B2B companies and customers evolve, so does HubSpot's software, and keeping pace with the improvements is both exciting and challenging.

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June 09

Brief Overview of HubSpot Marketing Hub Features

Imagine running a business with no returning customers. Now think of operating with no leads, and only returning customers.

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May 30

What Is HubSpot Operations Hub? 2023 Features, Pricing, & Tiers

For the past 17 years, HubSpot software has lived to make marketing and selling easier, more efficient, and more transparent.

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May 15

What Is HubSpot Sales Hub? Features, Tiers, & Prices for 2023

I recently had a new client (and HubSpot devotee) describe HubSpot's Sales Hub better than I had in my 6 years of digital marketing. This B2B company's employees almost universally avoided using HubSpot until management forced the issue in 2023. The client's CEO explained:

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May 04

HubSpot Features for all 5 Hubs (+ Cost per Tier)

Whether you're held responsible your company’s marketing, sales, operations, or customer service outcomes -- or all four -- HubSpot's got a solution. HubSpot's features list stretches to the moon and is the top reason 150,000+ companies use the platform (us included). Sounds lovely (and it is), but the massive list of software Hubs, features, and pricing tiers can overwhelm newcomers with lack of clarity.

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November 22

Efficiency through CRM | Managing HubSpot for Multiple Companies

Juggling data for multiple brands can be a challenge. Finding the right combination of segmentation and availability will enhance your productivity and cut down on unnecessary steps in the reporting process. 3 Setup Options for HubSpot When Managing Multiple Accounts From data management to brand identity, there are a lot of balls to juggle when managing multiple brands under one parent organization. HubSpot provides different solutions for this, tailored to your company’s needs. Various approaches can be configured to maximize their ease of use and accessibility while also limiting access based on team needs.

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January 03

Trade Show Success Tips for B2B Marketing & Sales

In-person trade shows have been a valuable source for generating leads since … well … forever. Think of the caveman rolling his stone wheel or dragging his sabretooth tiger hide to the market for trade. (We weren’t really there, but trust us, it happened.) But it seems like many businesses are in a trade show rut where they bring the same, tired strategies that everyone else has been doing for ages.

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