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September 10

Email Marketing Automation With MailChimp

If you haven't heard of marketing automation, you probably don't actively market your business. Marketing automation typically consists of software and technologies that allow marketers to automate repetitive tasks through a variety of channels such as social media, websites, and email. Many marketers opt to use MailChimp for their marketing efforts, and rightfully so! MailChimp offers great tools including list and audience management, social media integration, data driven insights, and marketing automation. The last of which will be the tool we're focusing on today.

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February 01

6 Ways to Write to a B2B Audience Persona

Before you start writing blogs, before you even start an inbound marketing campaign, you need to know who your audience is and how to talk to them. If you’re not truly speaking to them, you may as well be talking with a mouthful of crackers.

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September 26

Close More Website Leads Into Customers - Part 7

Hey Sales and Marketing Professionals! We all want more leads through our website, but ultimately, we want those leads to be customers. According to HubSpot, lead nurturing can produce 50% more sales-ready leads, at 33% lower cost! That sounds to me like a winning strategy! In this video, we’ll layout how lead nurturing fits into your online marketing plan, and even show some examples.

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July 07

7 Lead Nurturing Tips That Help Close More Sales

Think back to your teens and early twenties, when you were paddling around in the dating pool. There were some real weirdos in there, right? (Maybe you were one of them.)

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April 15

10 Expert Lead Scoring Tips for More Effective Online Marketing

What Is Lead Scoring? Lead scoring is a method of prioritizing leads - usually by their level of interest in your product and how good a fit they are for your company - to maximize the use of your sales and marketing resources. In other words, lead scoring keeps you from wasting your time and money on leads who aren't likely to make a purchase.

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August 05

Make a Small Marketing Team More Efficient With These 3 Tips

Having a small marketing team (or even a non-existent one) doesn't mean that you cannot be successful with marketing. With proper planning and implementation, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) can destroy their competition, especially online. When trying to make your small marketing team efficient and EFFECTIVE, start with these 3 tips.

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July 15

10 Tips to Maintain an Ongoing Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing cannot be something you do for 3 months and then forget about it. A proper content marketing strategy WILL be successful, but it must be ongoing. Here are 10 tips to maintain an ongoing content marketing strategy.

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Generate Leads Through Your Website - Destroy These 5 Roadblocks

Do you frequently generate leads through your website? If not, you may be struggling with one of many potential roadblocks to lead generation online. That is, assuming you are driving the right traffic to your site in the first place!

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June 10

The Benefit of Gated Content in Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating targeted, valuable content for your website visitors in the hopes of converting them into leads. Content pieces for content marketing come in many different forms including ebooks, guides, checklists, whitepapers, webinars, etc.

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5 Emailing Marketing Messages That Go Beyond A Newsletter

If you have an email marketing list, you no doubt have sent the common newsletter email. Maybe you send it once a week, month, quarter, etc... Email marketing newsletters tend to have newsy topics in them, along with some hopeful action for a sale.

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