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So many of today’s B2B buyers wait months -- or years -- before approaching a salesperson. They must be arming themselves with knowledge somewhere during that time, right? 

That somewhere should be your website. 

Today, the key to growing revenue is creating a website that’s user-friendly and easily findable in Google. The most cost-effective way to do that is B2B SEO (search engine optimization). 

That’s why we specially built this SEO audit checklist for small and mid-sized B2Bs looking to attract more great-fit web traffic. This interactive PDF includes:

  • B2B SEO keyword guidance
  • On-page SEO checklist
  • Off-page SEO checklist
  • SEO B2B website design checklist for developers
  • Mobile SEO checklist
  • Local SEO checklist
  • An explanation of each, and directions to get you started

Ignoring one or more of these best practices can limit your ability to grow and even earn you Google rankings penalties. 

Ready to turn your weaknesses into strengths that increase traffic, leads, and sales? Fill out the form on this page to download this FREE checklist and guide.


What Else Do You Need to Know About Your SEO Audit Checklist?

Is SEO important for B2B companies? You bet.

Nearly 93% of the time someone opens an internet browser, the first step they take happens via search engine. Wouldn’t you like your B2B to be the second thing they see?

It starts with ranking higher in Google, even if your product is niche or “boring.” We encourage you to complete as many checklist items as possible, depending on your company’s size and how ambitious your digital-lead goals are. Sections we cover include:

  • Keyword research & optimization
  • Content writing
  • Social media & email
  • File & script management
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Tags -- meta, alt, title
  • URLs & site structure
  • Security
  • Google tools setup & use
  • Local SEO

Use the B2B SEO Checklist -- For Beginners & Advanced Marketers to keep your website functioning correctly and climbing Google rankings. To get your SEO checklist PDF for free, fill out the form up top.
