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[VIDEO]: How to Make the Most Out of Manufacturing Day 2018

Written by Holly McCully | September 26, 2018 // 1:46 PM

Finally manufacturers, the spotlight is on you.

October 5th is Manufacturing Day in the United States. The intention of the day is to celebrate modern manufacturers and inspire the next generation of manufacturers. As the founders of the day put it:

“MFG Day is designed to amplify the voice of individual manufacturers and coordinate a collective chorus of manufacturers with common concerns and challenges.”  

What are these challenges that manufacturers will address?

  • Skilled labor shortage they face
  • Connect with future generations
  • Take charge of the public image of manufacturing
  • Ensure the ongoing prosperity of the whole industry

Pretty cool, right? Here’s how to participate.


Get Involved in MFG Day

There is no one way to get your manufacturing company involved in Manufacturing Day. Depending on what’s best for you, we’ve outlined a few recommendations of how to make the most out of the day.

Host an Official Manufacturing Day Event

The National Association of Manufacturers focuses on education. This means opening your doors and showing the world what your manufacturing company looks like and  how it functions with the purpose of educating and inspiring the general public.

There are a few requirements for what your event must look like in order for it to qualify as an official MFG Day event. Your event must consist of:

  • A tour of a manufacturing facility, office, innovation center, or other site
  • Other creative student-invite event at your manufacturing site
  • Host a school event about manufacturing
  • Host a manufacturing-related jobs fair or career day
  • Manufacturing products expo or similar event
  • All events must be open to students, parents, or educators

If you have an idea for what your MFG Day event will consist of, be sure to register it online. This will give you access to all sorts of helpful resources for the promotion and planning of your event.

Participate in the Conversation

Are you interested in educating the public about your manufacturing company’s processes, but don’t necessarily have the resources to coordinate an event? Connect with the world and share information about manufacturing and your company on social media!

Here’s how:

  • Jump in the conversation using the #MFGDay18. Talk about your #manufacturing processes, challenges, and more on social media before and on October 5th to join the conversation.

  • Share an educational video. Film your CEO, Operations Manager, or Head of Sales talking about the processes and challenges of your company and share them on your website. Promote them on social media using the hashtag above to tell the world about it!

  • Produce an educational resource. Have thoughts on the skilled labor shortage and want to share how your company overcame it? Write a blog post about it and feature it on your website. Again, be sure to promote this on your social media using the hashtag.

Want Some Help Executing Your Manufacturing Day Strategy?

We love manufacturers, so we want to make sure you make the most out of this day! We’re happy to help with any aspect of your MFG Day strategy -- whether it be registering your event, or making the most out of social media.

Just reach out to Josh and schedule a time to connect, and we can help get the ball rolling!

Other great manufacturing resources: