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July 18

Average Cost of a B2B Website Redesign? Not What You Think

The internet has come a long way from the 1990s and static HTML pages. Let’s talk about today’s online experience and the average cost of a website redesign.

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July 12

Best B2B CMS: HubSpot, WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, or Drupal?

Choosing the right content management system (CMS) for a B2B company directly impacts the company's ability to attract and nurture leads online. The right CMS can:

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June 17

How to Build a B2B Website Strategy That Generates Leads

“Our company has a website.” Is that all you can muster when someone asks about your online marketing strategy? You may have a problem.

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June 14

Steal These Best B2B Blog Examples for 2024 (Not Literally)

If you’re a B2B (business-to-business) company, then you understand how difficult it can be to produce exciting content about “boring” niche subjects that will reach a wide audience. Maybe you've tried in the past, but failed to generate ideas. Or perhaps your struggle was figuring out how to structure your blogging ideas in an organized manner. Whatever the reason for your woes, you’re not alone.

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June 14

AI in B2B Marketing & Content Writing: How it Works (or Doesn't)

I’ve always been fascinated by robots. My favorites – undoubtedly – are R2-D2, and yes, even C-3P0. Cortana from the "Halo" video game series is pretty cool, too – we’ve waged war against the Covenant many times together. Cylons (from "Battlestar Galactica") and the robot from "Rocky IV" are also in my top 10. (Shame on the 2021 director's cut for removing Paulie's beloved birthday present.) While those droids and artificial intelligence (AI) are firmly rooted in the world of science fiction and a few clever builds at fan conventions, we're getting closer each day to robot counterparts becoming the norm.

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June 14

The State of AI for Long Form Content Generation In Q4 of 2023

It is undeniable that AI is the hot topic of conversation in 2023. Software providers across the board are unveiling innovative ways to incorporate AI, and professionals in the business world are eagerly exploring these advancements to enhance their daily efficiencies.

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June 14

Will Marketing Be Replaced by AI ... or Form a Dynamic Content Duo?

Have you ever feared that AI could replace your job as a marketer? There’s no doubt that AI has become ever-present in the marketing space, but AI is not replacing you. In fact, AI and humans hold more power as a unit – the dynamic duo, as one might say. When used synchronously with humans, AI can be a resourceful and powerful tool incorporated into your B2B marketing strategy.

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June 14

5 Best Generative Use Cases for AI in Inbound Marketing

Have you ever wanted to clone yourself? You wished for 5 more minutes to finish that one task or another set of eyes to read through an email, but you know your colleagues are as busy as you are. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI), many marketers fear replacement. However, the best generative AI use cases mean support for marketers, freeing up time for you to spend on other tasks that require a human touch.

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June 14

AI Prompt Writing 101 for Marketers: How to Use ChatGPT

Have you ever had an idea but can’t get it to roll off your tongue? If the answer is yes, artificial intelligence may become your best friend.

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June 14

How to Use AI in B2B marketing

New technology can be intimidating for everyone, and with the rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) across the board in today’s economy, marketing is experiencing the same uncertainties that other industries face. So, how to use AI in B2B marketing effectively? The answer is: practice.

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