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October 27

FROM THE DESK OF A SALES COACH: Inbound Sales for Dummies

The rise of the informed consumer, who researches, compares, and often knows precisely what they want, has necessitated a shift in how businesses approach sales. Enter: Inbound Sales. For marketers, this isn't just another buzzword to add to the ever-growing list. It's a fundamental shift in strategy that directly impacts how we attract, engage, and delight our audience. Inbound sales, much like its counterpart inbound marketing, is a reflection of the changing dynamics in the buyer-seller relationship. Gone are the days when aggressive sales pitches and cold calls were the norm. T Today's consumers expect more. They seek authenticity, value, and a personalized experience. They don't want to be sold to; they want to be understood. And this is where inbound sales shines.

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October 27

WEBSITE TRAFFIC KPIs: The Method Behind the Mathness

The Importance of Tracking Website Traffic-Related KPIs in Digital Marketing Building an effective inbound marketing strategy is no walk in the park. From laying the foundation to crafting tactics for brand awareness, you’re constantly learning and adapting. As the cycle of “Strategize → Execute → Analyze → Repeat” becomes familiar, the focus shifts toward one crucial element: traffic.

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October 27

HOW TO: Create a Resilient Inbound Marketing Strategy

Avoiding Marketing Technical Debt and Building a Strong Inbound Marketing Foundation In today's rapidly evolving marketing landscape, adaptability and forward-thinking are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in your business. Unfortunately, many businesses overlook the importance of establishing a solid marketing foundation, similar to accumulating "technical debt" in the tech world over time. That's why in this blog post, we'll delve deep into the concept of marketing technical debt. We'll explore strategies to avoid it and provide you with a step-by-step guide to building a resilient marketing foundation that will drive long-term success.

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September 20

Transform Your Manufacturing Marketing Approach with Inbound Coaching

If you’re here, there’s something not going quite right with your marketing. Likely, you’re under the gun to prove ROI for the efforts you’ve been accomplishing and realize the current path just isn’t going to cut it.

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