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SO what IS the protocol? 

Welcome to the resource page for our video series 'What's the protocol?' 

Our series focuses on problems marketers may be having and what is the protocol for solving those problems!

Do you struggle with creating SMART goals? Are you wondering how you can create classic designs when you don't have a designer on hand? How about Leveraging Automation for Sales in Hubspot? You have a problem, we have an answer! Check out our series below, subscribe to our newsletter, or reach out!

We'd love to hear from you!

1 Digital Content Writing – How to Get Out of Writer’s Block

Digital Content Writing – How to Get Out of Writer’s Block

In the creative journey of an inbound marketing strategy, one of the most common hurdles is writer's block. This invisible barrier can stem from various sources such as self-doubt, unfamiliarity with the topic, burnout, overwhelming workload, distractions, and overthinking. Perfectionism, in particular, can often amplify these underlying issues. Let's delve into some strategies to navigate this landscape and reclaim your creative flow!

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2 How to Use HubSpot for Sales: Leveraging Automation

How to Use HubSpot for Sales: Leveraging Automation

Today, we're diving deep into how to leverage automation for sales using HubSpot's task automation software.

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3 Technical Content Writing When You're Not a Subject Matter Expert

Technical Content Writing When You're Not a Subject Matter Expert

At times, we find ourselves tasked with writing on highly technical topics we may not fully understand as part of a B2B inbound marketing strategy.

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4 Graphic Design Tips for Beginners

Graphic Design Tips for Beginners

There are bound to be times when you need something designed, but you can’t hire a graphic designer, and you need to take on that design work for yourself.

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5 B2B Lead Nurturing: Keys to a Successful Inbound Marketing Strategy

B2B Lead Nurturing: Keys to a Successful Inbound Marketing Strategy

Let’s talk about the importance of B2B lead nurturing, marketing qualified leads, sales qualified leads, and making your inbound marketing strategy as effective as possible.

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6 Inbound Marketing Goals | Setting & Prioritization

Inbound Marketing Goals | Setting & Prioritization

In this edition of 'What's the protocol?' we tackle the art of goal setting and how to prioritize those goals in the realm of inbound marketing.

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