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    • Call Anytime: 1-814-596-0020

Welcome to the space where clarity meets innovation in marketing for B2B businesses. 

Forget the jargon and the one-size-fits-all solutions. You're at a place where your marketing strategy is as unique as your business. 

With our p80 Program Calculator, transparency is not just a buzzword—it's a promise. Here, you customize, understand, and decide with confidence. 

No fluff, no filler—just real, measurable strategies tailored for the manufacturing world. Welcome to a new standard, where your success is the true measure of ours. Even if we're not the perfect fit for each other, this tool will empower you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate your marketing investments effectively.



Before diving into our calculator, it's crucial to grasp the three distinct ways clients engage with us, shaping the foundation of our collaborations. Our partnership tiers – Inbound, Solutions, and Project – outline the spectrum of engagement, from comprehensive to targeted support. This understanding will guide you as you navigate the calculator, helping to identify which tier aligns with your needs. 

Not sure where you fit? No worries. The calculator is designed to assess your needs, offering a tailored suggestion on which partnership tier could best elevate your business's marketing journey.

Inbound Partner:
Your Comprehensive Marketing Arm

Inbound Partner: Your Comprehensive Marketing Arm

As an Inbound Partner, you gain more than services; you gain a dedicated ally in your marketing journey. This premier tier is designed for businesses seeking a profound, all-encompassing partnership. We immerse ourselves in your world, taking charge of strategy and execution across marketing, sales, service, and digital platforms like HubSpot and your website. 

Our commitment is not just to assist but to drive results, acting as your full-fledged marketing arm. With the highest level of support and investment, this partnership is for those who demand excellence and are ready to see transformative outcomes.

Solutions Partner:
Targeted Expertise, Focused Results

Solutions Partner: Targeted Expertise, Focused Results

As a Solutions Partner, you receive expert support precisely where you need it, with the flexibility to tailor our services to your unique challenges. This tier is ideal for businesses seeking a customizable and agile approach to specific areas of their digital marketing. Whether it's fine-tuning your paid ads across search and social platforms or addressing a particular niche within your strategy, we're here to provide targeted expertise and agile execution.

While our services are not as comprehensive as the Inbound Partner tier, our dedication to excellence and achieving your goals that we are supporting remains unwavering.

Project Partner:
Precision Execution, Defined Success

Project Partner: Precision Execution, Defined Success

Choose us as your Project Partner when you need expert guidance and execution on specific, one-time initiatives. This tier is crafted for businesses seeking exceptional support on projects like website development, HubSpot integration, or targeted media campaigns.

With a clear, predefined timeline and allocated hours, our focus is on delivering your goal with precision and efficiency. By partnering with us, you tap into a reservoir of expertise and a commitment to success that transforms your project goals into tangible achievements.

Full Service Inbound Need-Based Services Project Work

Full Service Inbound

Needs-Based Services

Project Work

Your Program:

Full Service Inbound

Need-Based Services

Project Work