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Brief Overview of HubSpot Marketing Hub Features

Imagine running a business with no returning customers. Now think of operating with no leads, and only returning customers. 

In both cases, your business model wouldn’t be sustainable or grow. 

With HubSpot Marketing Hub features and software, these cases are easily avoidable.

What Is HubSpot Marketing Hub?

Before we dive into the ins and outs of HubSpot Marketing Hub features, we’ll start with the basics. 

What is HubSpot Marketing Hub?

At a high level, the HubSpot Marketing Hub is an in-depth, yet easy-to-use software that helps businesses attract, engage, delight, and convert prospects into customers. 

It’ll keep your marketing team aligned and focused on the most important aspect of your business – the customers.

5 HubSpot Marketing Hub Features

As mentioned above, the software offers a suite of tools and features, but the five main HubSpot Marketing Hub features are:

  1. Analytics, dashboards & reporting
  2. Automation
  3. Form generation
  4. Content creation
  5. Social media management


1. Analytics, Dashboards & Reporting

HubSpot generates marketing analytics to track website performance and traffic and keep all data in one central place. 

How do you read the data?

The great news is, you don’t have to be a data analyst to read and interpret the analytics. HubSpot puts your data into custom dashboards and reports that are easy to understand and read. You’ll be able to make data-based decisions on your business and eliminate the risk of human error. 

2. Automation

Inbound marketing is all about the right message to the right person at the right time. Marketing automation does that without much effort

HubSpot Marketing Hub nurtures leads and segments contacts through workflows and automation. Contacts and leads are organized based on where they’re at in the buyer’s journey, allowing for highly personalized emails. 

Additionally, marketing automation ensures follow-ups aren’t missed and email campaigns are sent to the right person at the right time. 

3. Form Generation

HubSpot Marketing Hub allows you to create custom forms with a drag-and-drop editor – no coding needed. These form submission contacts are automatically filled into your HubSpot CRM and can be organized and segmented from there. 

Pro Tip! Use the custom forms to target a highly segmented audience, then send automated follow-up emails to let visitors know you heard from them.

4. Content Creation 

Creating blog posts, landing pages and emails is essential to developing and maintaining customer relationships. Luckily with the Marketing Hub, content creation is simple. 

In the software, you’ll be able to create and design blog posts, website pages, and emails. Keep in mind, the data from your content is added to easy-to-understand reports to find what’s working best.

5. Social Media Management

HubSpot Marketing Hub offers social media management software to drive the best results for your business.

With this software, you’ll be able to view all social media interactions, posts, and manage them from one platform instead of across multiple. Additionally, you’ll be able to attribute marketing success to the correct social media platform.

HubSpot Marketing Hub Pricing 

HubSpot Marketing Hub comes in four tiers – Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise. 

While the cost of the free version sounds great, the features are highly limited compared to the other options. 

HubSpot Tier Base Price (Monthly) Commitment Payment
Free Tools $0 None None
Starter $18 Monthly or Annual Monthly or Annual (discounted) payment
Professional $800 Annual Monthly or Annual (discounted) payment
Enterprise $3,600 Annual Monthly or Annual (discounted) payment


The HubSpot Marketing Hub Free gives limited free marketing tools. If you upgrade to the Starter, you’ll receive those same marketing tools PLUS live chat, forms, landing pages and email marketing. 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive marketing solution, HubSpot Marketing Hub Professional includes everything in the Starter version but adds on marketing automation, teams, social media, campaign reporting, and custom reporting to ensure your customer is the focus. 

Lastly, if you’re looking for the most powerful marketing software, Enterprise is the way to go. While the price seems intimidating, you’re getting the entire Professional package plus the ability to limit access to content and data, multi-touch revenue attribution, organize teams, custom behavioral events, and custom objects. 

HubSpot Marketing Hub Implementation

If you didn’t know, HubSpot actually has five Hubs – Marketing, Service, Sales, Operations, and CMS

Are you required to choose more than one Hub?

In short, no. 

You can pick and choose which Hubs you want to use, whether that’s one, two, three, or all the Hubs. Keep in mind that most businesses find that adding more than one Hub achieves better results

Ready to Get Started with HubSpot?

Choosing the best HubSpot version for your business can be a difficult task. You’ll want to take into consideration your business, budget, and end goal. 

To make it a little easier, reach out to one of our HubSpot pros to get guidance and find the best solution for you.


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