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March 26

AI in Sales: From Lead Generation to Closing Deals

The manufacturing sector is continuously seeking innovative strategies to enhance efficiency, drive growth, and maintain a competitive edge. Enter the world of AI in sales, which just might transform the traditional sales process into an intelligent, data-driven powerhouse.

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June 22

HubSpot Pro vs. Enterprise: 2023 Features & Pricing

HubSpot is the biggest and best in a sea of CRM (customer relationship management) tools. As B2B companies and customers evolve, so does HubSpot's software, and keeping pace with the improvements is both exciting and challenging.

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June 13

Savvy Saving Secrets: Guide to Snagging a HubSpot Discount

Have you been considering using HubSpot to boost your business, but aren’t sure if it’ll fit into your already stretched marketing budget?

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May 25

Brief Overview of HubSpot CRM

Imagine having to cold-call random phone numbers every time you want to make a sale.

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May 15

What Is HubSpot Sales Hub? Features, Tiers, & Prices for 2023

I recently had a new client (and HubSpot devotee) describe HubSpot's Sales Hub better than I had in my 6 years of digital marketing. This B2B company's employees almost universally avoided using HubSpot until management forced the issue in 2023. The client's CEO explained:

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May 04

HubSpot Features for all 5 Hubs (+ Cost per Tier)

Whether you're held responsible your company’s marketing, sales, operations, or customer service outcomes -- or all four -- HubSpot's got a solution. HubSpot's features list stretches to the moon and is the top reason 150,000+ companies use the platform (us included). Sounds lovely (and it is), but the massive list of software Hubs, features, and pricing tiers can overwhelm newcomers with lack of clarity.

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February 23

How to Use HubSpot Payments Integration for Touchless B2B Sales

Today, even B2B buyers expect at least some level of e-commerce functionality from their vendors. Yep, even you, probably.

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