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August 04

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing: Why Is One Reaching Fewer People?

Most every businessperson wishes they could predict the future and know whether it’s safe to jump on board a trend. Not surprisingly, many B2B markets (looking at you, manufacturing/industrial folks) are notoriously slow to move on from decades-old marketing tactics because they’re safe and require limited tech-savviness.

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July 22

Can Anyone Do B2B Content Writing? 7 Signs Your In-House Staff Can't

Blogging. Writing social media posts. Promoting your company’s products on its homepage.

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July 14

6 Signs Your Search Engine Optimization Agency Hire Was a Mistake

If you put up a digital marketing campaign and nobody sees it, does it really exist? With internet research and social interactions becoming an integral part of our daily work routine, marketing agencies have realized a shift from traditional, in-your-face advertising to more “hands-off,” content-based marketing. This is called inbound marketing. This style of marketing aims to make it easier for your ideal buyers to find you organically, and eventually convert into qualified leads.

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April 20

Holly McCully Featured on Marketing Mondays Podcast with Ira Bowman

At protocol 80, collaborating with other digital marketing creators and chatting about topics relevant to the digital marketing space is one of the things we love to do.

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December 16

Why Mobile Marketing Matters for Email Marketing Campaigns

Why does mobile matter for your email marketing efforts? According to OptInMonster, 78% of smartphone users check email on their phones. However, only 12% of email campaigns use responsive design. Not using responsive designs for email campaigns is doing yourself and your business a disservice. Responsive design mobile marketing emails generate 24% more clicks. What does it mean when nobody is optimizing their online efforts? It means there's an opportunity for you to outshine your competitors. You could follow the crowd and lag behind technology... or, you could blaze ahead and set the bar for your competitors and customers. 44.87% of the world's population owns a smartphone. Make your email campaigns responsive now to stay in front of tomorrow's prospects.

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December 14

How Long Does Successful Inbound Marketing Take to Produce Results?

One of the most common questions we get asked is, how long does successful inbound marketing take to produce results. On the surface, it seems like a straight forward question that should elicit a straight forward answer. One thing is for certain, successful inbound marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. You reap tremendous, compounding rewards with inbound marketing, but it doesn't happen overnight. The truth is, the timing of inbound results is dependent on a few factors.

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December 09

Can I Have Successful Inbound Marketing with my In-House Team?

As an executive, you work hard to put the pieces in place to achieve your goals. Sales and profitability are always items on your list of goals. That means successful inbound marketing should be one of the pieces on your radar. Let's take a look at the skill sets needed for inbound marketing success.

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December 02

How to Solve Your B2B Brand Awareness Problem

In order for your company to succeed, you have to be recognized. Creating brand awareness for your B2B company will help drive business and increase sales. Is your B2B company the best-kept secret in the country? If so, I bet you would like to change that. Here's how.

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November 24

How to Increase Your Website Traffic With a Content Marketing Strategy

What if annoyed customers didn’t shriek and run at the very sight of your company’s name or logo? What if they actually wanted reasons to visit your website? Creating a successful inbound marketing strategy will not only increase your website traffic, it will help your business stand out from competitors too.

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November 23

The 10 Step Guide to Increasing Brand Awareness with Social Media

We love social media here. It’s so … so … multifaceted. Where else can you see industry trends, baby pictures, live news, “fake” news, and relationship drama all in one place?

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