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    • Call Anytime: 1-814-596-0020

Native Vs. HTML 5 Mobile Apps

So your small business has decided to invest in a mobile app of some sort. You know that it's important to be accessible to your potential customers and since they're all looking at their smartphones most of the time, even when they probably shouldn't be, it's about time you create a mobile experience that will be finger friendly and give them access to relevant information about your product or service quickly and easily.

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The 2011 Super Bowl Commercials Were Less Than Social

The hype before the Super Bowl claimed that this years group of ads would be pushing social. The new way for big brands to communicate with their audience with a new way to achieve a positive ROI...which can be tough given the cost of a 30 second spot. One benefit of a social promoting ad is that if you reach your audience and get them to follow you, will be be able to continually communicate with them months after the Super Bowl.

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January 04

Blogging Writer's Block

Today on the Bruce Clay blog, Jessica Lee provides some tips on reducing writers block if you are an avid blogger. She did a terrific job with the post and I think small businesses need to take those tips and relate them to your small business blog even if you aren't a consistent blogger. Because most of you are SMBs and might not read the Bruce Clay blog, I'd like to cover her tips and relate them to your small business.

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December 20

Increase Your Small Business SEO Surface Area

Enter Dead Horse... Yes, yet another post about why you need to be blogging. If the charts I shared earlier weren't motivation enough, what about the impact of blogging on small business search engine optimization? Most of our small business prospects and clients are familiar with SEO and want help with their site's ranking in the engines.

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December 20

Why Small Businesses Should Be Blogging More

As a follow up to my post last week on staying regular with blogging :), I wanted to touch on some actual data for added motivation to start or keep blogging. I came across several great charts that touch on the power of blog content and the benefit to businesses so I wanted to share some of my favorites:

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December 13

Your Small Business Struggles Blogging? Setup A Content Schedule!

Content, Content, Content... It's all we hear these days right? If it's any consolation, it's because a content strategy is highly effective at gaining very targeted traffic. Much like dieting and exercise, content creation is great for you (or your brand), but something most people dread doing... Why is this? It would seem that most people struggle with what they should write about from day to day or week to week. Another similarity to dieting and exercise is that there are a million excuses you can use for not sticking to it.

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November 23

Small Business Saturday 2010

By now most of you have already planned out your Black Friday shopping. You will likely stay up the night before and hit the stores at midnight or wake up extremely early to make sure the items you are looking for aren't sold out. One benefit nowadays that wasn't available in the past: if you can't get what you were looking for on Black Friday or can't make it to the store, there's always Cyber Monday!

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Google Instant Search - What You Need to Know

Unless you have been away from the computer, TV, or radio for the past few days, you have probably heard of Google's latest feature, Google Instant Search. Basically the search engine starts showing results as you start typing your query. There have been a lot of mixed reviews and suggestions. One of my personal favorites was from @GregBoser:

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Microsoft Re-Enters the Tablet Market

Tablet computing has been the buzzword among hardware manufacturers and software developers since the first credible Apple tablet rumors came to light at the end of last year. Now it seems like you can’t turn around without a new tablet prototype being featured in an Engadget article, but many folks are quick to forget that tablet computers have been around for years. Ten years ago Bill Gates stood on-stage at the Consumer Electronics Show and demonstrated the benefits of using tablet devices, and since then Microsoft has run Windows on countless tablet PCs. Despite that the tech industry’s perception of what a tablet should be has changed drastically in the past year, and there are rumblings coming from Redmond about a new tablet offering from Microsoft.

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