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August 04

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing: Why Is One Reaching Fewer People?

Most every businessperson wishes they could predict the future and know whether it’s safe to jump on board a trend. Not surprisingly, many B2B markets (looking at you, manufacturing/industrial folks) are notoriously slow to move on from decades-old marketing tactics because they’re safe and require limited tech-savviness.

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August 03

B2B Social Media Advertising Tips for Beginners

For many businesses, getting noticed on social media and in Google search results can be a challenge. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn all have at least one thing in common -- they help extend your company’s reach (regardless of your industry). It helps to have a large following, but if you don’t there’s a great way to reach a large group of people. Understanding how to properly use paid advertising, in combination with effective social media practices, will put your business on track to being noticed.

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July 29

B2B Customer Acquisition Cost Killing You? Try These 7 Tips

They say you’ve got to spend money to make money. But even “they” can’t possibly approve of flushing money down the drain all in the name of a few quick sales.

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April 20

5 B2B Marketing Trends to Follow (or Avoid) in 2021 & 2022

With the number of people using the internet to find their desired products and services at an all-time high, it’s important to be cognizant of your digital marketing tactics.

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March 29

How to Do Content Marketing on a Budget Even Your Boss Will Like

Let’s get one thing clear right off the bat: We all wish we had an unlimited budget for everything. And in today’s world, anything that has to do with marketing has the potential to become expensive. In fact, it’s reported that a full site audit can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $25,000.

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March 22

B2B Digital Marketing Agency Breakup? 6 Signs Your Agency Failed You

(Editor’s note: This is Part 2 in a two-part series about how a relationship with an inbound marketing consulting firm can fail. In Part 1 we covered five ways the client can be at fault in a failed partnership.)

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March 17

B2B Inbound Marketing Agency Breakup? How You Failed Your Partnership

(Editor’s note: This is Part 1 in a two-part series about how a relationship with an inbound marketing consulting firm can fail. Don’t worry -- in Part 2 of this series we’ll lay out all the reasons your agency could be at fault.) Dear Inbound Marketing Clients ...

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March 08

Top B2B Hashtag Examples by Industry (Examples Included!)

Hashtags: One of the most underrated marketing tools there is. While many may see these as a trendy joke to post with your highest-quality photo of a dessert, they actually play a massive role in your social media content creation and audience reach.

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March 03

The Rise of Account-Based Marketing & Extreme Personalization

There's a B2B marketing challenger rising through the ranks of jargon and experimental techniques. It's been around for years but has only recently taken off (as many things are wont to do).

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March 02

Medical Device Marketing Regulations: How to Be Legal & Effective

It takes a lot of time, effort, and brainpower to create an effective marketing strategy. And depending on your healthcare buyer persona, a lot of details can vary from product to product.

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