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    • Call Anytime: 1-814-596-0020
December 16

Optimizing Content Marketing Blog Production

Talk with any successful digital marketer, and the #1 thing they’ll tell you is the foundation of any lead-generating, sales-converting, customer-delighting strategy is content.

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December 13

B2B SEO Copywriting for Beginners | Meta, Title, Alt, & Other Tags

Since you’re reading a “101” article, we’d guess you’re terrified of writing the metas, H1s, and other SEO website mumbo-jumbo you wish someone else would handle.

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10 Challenges in Industrial Marketing B2Bs Still Struggle With in 2022

Today's challenges in industrial marketing are a bit baffling to outsiders. Why? There's really no reason they should still be a thing in 2022. Especially during COVID, most industries became aware of not just the necessity, but also the power of owning a strong brand presence online.

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October 21

Increase Organic Traffic With 'Boring' Industrial Content Marketing

Everyone wants the spotlight on their business. Online, the easiest way to earn one is by becoming “findable” in Google Search and “clickable” in email and on social media.

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September 10

FABTECH 2021 Session Preview: Sales & Marketing Plans for Manufacturers

North America's largest metal fabricating and finishing event is back in-person! While the incoming new technology and networking is exciting, the biggest goal for manufacturers in 2022 will be recalibrating their marketing and sales practices post-COVID*.

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August 04

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing: Why Is One Reaching Fewer People?

Most every businessperson wishes they could predict the future and know whether it’s safe to jump on board a trend. Not surprisingly, many B2B markets (looking at you, manufacturing/industrial folks) are notoriously slow to move on from decades-old marketing tactics because they’re safe and require limited tech-savviness.

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August 03

B2B Social Media Advertising Tips for Beginners

For many businesses, getting noticed on social media and in Google search results can be a challenge. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn all have at least one thing in common -- they help extend your company’s reach (regardless of your industry). It helps to have a large following, but if you don’t there’s a great way to reach a large group of people. Understanding how to properly use paid advertising, in combination with effective social media practices, will put your business on track to being noticed.

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July 29

B2B Customer Acquisition Cost Killing You? Try These 7 Tips

They say you’ve got to spend money to make money. But even “they” can’t possibly approve of flushing money down the drain all in the name of a few quick sales.

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July 22

Can Anyone Do B2B Content Writing? 7 Signs Your In-House Staff Can't

Blogging. Writing social media posts. Promoting your company’s products on its homepage.

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