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October 08

Educational Content Will Generate Website Leads

Inbound Marketing is about taking traditional marketing and kicking it to the curb. It's about the end of annoying, intrusive and interruption based marketing. It's about marketing that will generate website leads that you can actually close into sales. Last week I wrote a post about the role of SEO in Inbound Marketing. As a quick refresher, if you don't have HIGH QUALITY traffic visiting your website, your other online efforts are going to be fruitless. Without high quality traffic, you speaking to either an empty room or a crowd of cats with no interest in what you're saying. Let's assume you have high quality traffic visiting your website. You are kicking butt on the Attract phase of Inbound Marketing. That traffic means nothing if you can't generate leads from it. The good thing though, is that if you are generating HIGH QUALITY traffic, you have a much better chance of generating leads. Start With Content Versus Commitment The visitors to our website are just that, Visitors. ...

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October 03

The Role of SEO In Inbound Marketing

We all know we want more traffic to our websites, right? That's a common, baseline objective for any website. More traffic should mean more people requesting quotes, etc...? Yes and no. More low quality visitors means less action on your site. More high quality visitors means more action on your site. Our focus is always getting high quality traffic through SEO, Pay-Per-Click and other traffic generating techniques. Although I think many small businesses incorrectly stop at the Attract phase of Inbound Marketing, it's still one of the most important aspects of Inbound Marketing. SEO Is A Cornerstone of Inbound The role of SEO in Inbound Marketing cannot be understated. For your site to convert visitors into leads and to nurture leads into closed sales, you first have to have a steady stream of high quality visitors that are looking for an answer to their problem(s), that you provide. How do you think most of your ideal buyers go about finding solutions to their problems? They open a ...

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October 03
October 01

Buyers Have Changed - Your Marketing Better Follow Suit

It wasn't too long ago that both B2C and B2B shoppers bought in a radically different way from how they buy now. If we wanted to research a product or service before buying, we went to the provider and asked questions. If we wanted to get an answer from the owner of a company, we went through a sales representative. In fact, if we wanted any information, we had to ask a sales representative. Who had the "power" in that situation? Not us! That's for sure. The sales rep was the gatekeeper and we had to get everything from them. That situation has shifted completely. Buyers have changed. Today, the buyer doesn't even consult a sales representative until they have nearly made up their mind. They have all of the information they need to make a buying decision when they finally speak to a sales rep. Where do they get this information? Surely they talk to friends and colleagues, but most often, they start by doing research online. Today's buyer looks to Google, social media and other online ...

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September 25

The Biggest Thing Your Website's Missing


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September 24

Why Manufacturers Fail at Lead Generation

Manufacturers must start thinking about how they generate leads online.

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September 23

We're Back From The Inbound 2014 Conference

You may (or may not) have noticed that last week was pretty quiet here. We weren't on vacation! Josh and I traveled to Boston for the Inbound 2014 Conference. It has been a couple of years since we attended this conference and boy has it grown! The first time we attended the conference had about 1500 attendees. This time, there were 10,000!! The effectiveness of Inbound Marketing is real and the droves of marketers that are trying to get involved is a telling sign of that. This year the conference was held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, which was a significantly larger venue than the last time we attended. Needless to say, I wish I would have worn a pedometer because we walked a ton. The building is enormous and the sessions were spread out across the building in different rooms. There was 30 minutes between each session to ensure that attendees had sufficient time to get around the building. Pick Your Programming The conference worked much like I wish television ...

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September 12

Is Blogging Still Important?

Marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to generate a positive ROI

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