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Google Chrome OS

I thought everyone should end their Friday with a chuckle..

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Search and Social Relationship

People are always asking how search relates to social. Bing announced that they are going to show actual tweets in search engine results. They are going to start off small, only showing tweets of about a few thousand Twitter users. They are considered the most prominent and prolific users of Twitter.

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How Bing and Google Compare in Relation to SEO and SEM

I am sure at this point many people have already developed their own opinions of bing and how it compares to Google. But, how do bing and Google compare in terms of search? I how found many differences so far and also talked to other people in the search industry who have shared their opinions.

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Bing Versus Google – Side By Side

Which search engine do you use? Raise your hand if you didn’t say Google. I’d be surprised if more than 5% of you raised your hands. Even with the default engine in Internet Explorer being Live, many people change it to Google. Microsoft has been hard at work trying to outdo the search giant and recently launched Bing.com. I truthfully haven’t used it at all since it’s launch, but came across a website that will let me test out whether or not I should consider switching:

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Viruses in MP3s: Facts & Fiction

Traditionally, mass-mailing viruses are spread as attachments. When a user opens the infected attachment, it executes a piece of code that usually attempts to steal the user's address book, email all it’s members, and often opens a back door to give hackers easy access to the system's resources.

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Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit 4.0 - Getting Ready for Windows 7

The new version of Microsoft's toolkit to help you get ready for Windows 7 is now here:

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What is the Most Effective Online Marketing Strategy?

This can be debatable based on several factors...budget, vendor, client, target audience, product, etc. But what are the numbers? According to a survey done by eMarketer, SEO is the most effective form of online marketing!

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Search Marketing News

There is a lot of search news out there...it can be tough to make it through the good stuff. I gathered some articles together for a client and thought I would share.

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The New Google Adwords User Interface

Google has recently updated their user interface for Adwords users. If you are looking for a quick answer, I like it so far. I have also talked to a few other SEM professionals and the general consensus has been, "Well, it seems to be an improvement. But no matter how you look at it, the Adwords UI is still better than anything Yahoo! or MSN has to offer!" I think we can all agree there.

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Social Media Strategies - How to be Effective and Remain Productive

As far as social media marketing goes, it is a very new channel. There are many CEO's who are not willing to try...or even learn about social media marketing. Their thought? Social media is a time waster. Can you argue with them? Of course it is easy to waste time on the social media outlets, but if your company has a social media marketing strategy, your staff will remain productive and your company can reap the benefits of social media marketing. The most important things to remember are:

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