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July 17

How to: Build a B2B Website Strategy That Scores Leads

“Our company has a website.” You may have a problem if that’s all you can muster when someone asks you about your online marketing strategy.

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December 30

How iOS15 (+ other algorithm changes) Creates Better Inbound Marketers

It’s every marketer’s nightmare: an algorithm or software change that upheaves what we thought we knew about a system, how it works, and how we strategize our marketing efforts to use it. If iOS15 and the changes Apple brought upon us in late 2021 triggered these marketing night terrors for you, you’ve come to the right place. Every marketer I know loves a good puzzle to solve and a challenge to overcome. This latest development in privacy rules is no different. Now that we’re a little bit distanced from the release, it’s time to analyze the changes, impact, and opportunity this presents. After all, Steve Jobs once said. “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”

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August 25

B2B Website Migration Checklist: 5 Steps for CMS Transition

Sometimes a website needs a new home. Perhaps the company’s web development or SEO expert is recommending a change to improve user experience or technical performance. Or maybe an exec wants to boost or lower the company's investment in digital marketing. Either way, the ripple effect this has on a website's success can be massive -- for good or bad.

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January 11

Insourcing Marketing vs. Outsourcing to an Inbound Marketing Agency

There's a common misconception that hiring an agency to do your marketing is much more expensive than handling it internally. The trick about marketing is that it's not one single job that you're paying someone to do. There are many tasks and responsibilities that require a variety of skill sets. The salary of an individual who can do all of those things effectively is much higher than a monthly agency retainer fee. Hands down. "Marketing" is one word that encompasses a lot of components and gears and creative production. You may decide to outsource some of those pieces, while taking care of others in-house. So, the real question you want to ask yourself is: What parts of my inbound marketing strategy do I need to outsource, and which can I do internally? For some of our clients, they can't do anything internally. Whether it's a matter of time, resources, or ability, they're simply unable to take care of their marketing strategies on their own. Other clients have some experience with ...

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January 07

Inbound vs Outbound Traditional Marketing: Value Comparison

Large investments typically cause sticker shock. We get it. We hate sticker shock too. But if you make a smart investment, it really ends up paying for itself.

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December 23

9 B2B Email Marketing Tips to Help You Stand Out

Ray Tomlinson sent the first networked email in 1971. Back then, an email was a way to copy a file to another user’s file directory. Email has evolved a lot since 1971, and email marketing has evolved right along with it. Because of smartphones and tablets, we have access to emails 24/7. And with more than 300 billion emails sent daily, you don’t want yours to get lost in the shuffle.

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December 23

5 Systematic Steps to Increase Your Website Traffic

Every business wants to increase website traffic. More traffic means more customers. While there are several options for increasing your traffic, not all of them are created equal or provide equal results. Having a system to constantly improve and increase website traffic is the best approach to drive new customers.

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December 16

Why Mobile Marketing Matters for Email Marketing Campaigns

Why does mobile matter for your email marketing efforts? According to OptInMonster, 78% of smartphone users check email on their phones. However, only 12% of email campaigns use responsive design. Not using responsive designs for email campaigns is doing yourself and your business a disservice. Responsive design mobile marketing emails generate 24% more clicks. What does it mean when nobody is optimizing their online efforts? It means there's an opportunity for you to outshine your competitors. You could follow the crowd and lag behind technology... or, you could blaze ahead and set the bar for your competitors and customers. 44.87% of the world's population owns a smartphone. Make your email campaigns responsive now to stay in front of tomorrow's prospects.

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July 14

How to Improve Sales With Website Conversion Paths

Conversion Path: The path a visitor takes through your website to become a lead. A typical conversion path requires a call-to-action, a landing page, a form, and a thank-you page.

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