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May 29

Content Marketing Advice In Just 1 Sentence

With the growth in popularity of content marketing comes people asking for content marketing advice. Curata posted an infographic about the best content marketing advice summed up in just one sentence. In compiling the answers via a LinkedIn poll, they found that most marketers answers could be bucketed into 4 categories: strategy, creation, audience and analytics.

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May 27

5 Steps for Starting a Website Redesign

Getting a new website is fun and exciting, but a redesigned website doesn't automatically mean you'll find success with it. Too many businesses make the wrong assumption that just because it's new, it works. That's just not the case. A website redesign should be carefully thought out, planned, and while it might seem like an interesting thing to learn, it really should be handled by the pros.

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May 15

Why are Meta Descriptions Important?

First, what is a meta description? A meta description is a short description of a website page. Think of it as a mini-summary. You won't find this summary when you are actually viewing the pages, it lives in the HTML behind the scenes. It will tell a search engine bot/spider what each page is all about.

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March 20

The Fastest Way to Get More Website Visitors

There are many ways to get more website visitors to your website. Some of those ways can take months, while same can take hours. This post will cover the fastest way to get more website visitors!

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March 10

Get Links For SEO The Right Way

You know you need to be focused on ranking better in search engines. The major engines still value quality inbound likes highly. Your first thought may be, "OK, how do we get links for SEO?". Sure, you want a bunch of links to your site, but you don't want just any links... They need to be HIGH QUALITY links. What Are High Quality Links? Isn't a link a link? NO! If they were all made equally, there wouldn't be so many website owners scrambling to get junk links to their site removed. Those junk links were often created by a linking company that they hired to get as many inbound links as possible. The missing element for most of the links built by these companies is relevancy. The relevancy of the inbound links to your site is REALLY important. For instance, a marketing blog that links to one of our posts is a highly relevant link. A link from a tampon company, not so much... A link from an Inbound Marketing software company would be very relevant to our blog. A link from an automobile ...

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