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January 23

Marketing in 2014 - Is Your Company Following the Trends?

We haven't shared an infographic in awhile...so it's about that time. Why? Because they are just plain neat. This infographic visualizes 20 Captivating Marketing Statistics that will drive 2014. Here's are some of my favorite stats that you can take to the decision makers and say...see, I do need more of a marketing budget. ;)

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Landing Page Structure - A Whiteboard Discussion

In the last few weeks we've shared a lot of tips and tricks for creating highly effective landing pages. From crafting a great headline to making sure you follow the 10 tips to get results, we've tried to touch on the main areas for improvement with landing pages.

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January 21

Getting a Positive ROI from AdWords - Lunch and Learn

Today is a good day! Why, you ask? Well today is a protocol 80 Soup Day. Today's lunch and learn topic is "Getting a Positive ROI from AdWords". This form of marketing has the ability to be successful for nearly every business or organization if done right. Whether you want to manage your AdWords campaign yourself or hire an agency we're going to cover 8 simple steps to get you on the right track to getting a positive return on investment from your AdWords efforts. Define the outcomes that need to happen to actually get a return. Determine what actions a website visitor must take to make those outcomes happen. Assign a value to your actions...this must be done if you plan on accurately calculating ROI. Research to determine what product/service/topic is related to your above actions. Organize and build your account. This is very important! Be creative. How to write ad copy and the anatomy of an AdWords ad. Build effective landing pages. Monitor and adjust. At today's lunch and learn ...

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January 17

What A Terrible Landing Page Looks Like

We understand that some people are more visual learners so we wanted to share some really bad landing pages with a brief overview about what makes the landing page so bad.

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January 16

You've Tried Pay-Per-Click Advertising and Failed...Now What?

Let's face it. Failure is just a part of life. It happens. We have heard on several occasions a few statements like these:

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January 15

3, 2, 1, Your Landing Page Headline Better Not Suck

The prospects that show up on your landing pages aren't MacGyver, which means they aren't going to stick around to defuse the content bomb, if you have a terrible headline. For most prospects, you have 3 seconds to grab them, typically with your headline. Here are a few considerations for your landing page headlines. 3 Major Headline Approaches Like almost anything in life, there's more than one way to skin a cat (no corresponding pic for this, you're welcome.) when it comes to landing page headline copy. The 3 highlighted here are not the be all end all, but they capture the most popular approaches. Asking A Question You've experienced it, you search for something like, "sell my used cellphone", looking for a great way to off that old brick and you land on a page with a headline such as, Looking To Sell Your Cellphone? or Want To Find Someone To Buy Your Cellphone? or Want To Cash In Your Used Cellphone? I'll be the first to admit that those are some crumby headlines, but you get the ...

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January 10

10 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Pages And Get Results

A landing page that doesn't convert (e.g., make the user take the action you desire) is like a salesperson that sits in the closet without a phone or computer all day. A waste. Much like you can train your sales staff to be more effective, you can also optimize your landing pages to be better closers. Often, you'll find that by tuning up your short pitch, and simplifying your landing page, you will see much more positive action from your landing pages. Here're 10 tips to help you optimize your landing pages to get results. 1 - The landing page should be 100% relevant to the call to action (CTA) the user clicked to get there. In other words, if you place an online ad for a family minivan, the user expects to see information about your family minivan on your landing page. If you send them to your homepage, which is a big waste, where you talk about motorcycles, you will not convert many prospects that are interested in the family minivan. The information on that page isn't specific to ...

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8 Important Online Marketing Statistics You Cannot Ignore

We know you should be in front of your target audience when they are online. You know you should be in front of your target audience online. Do you need more convincing? If so, here are 8 online marketing statistics that you definitely cannot ignore:

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January 07

Display Network Image Ads with AdWords

If you are considering image/display advertising for your business or organization, you should consider utilizing image ads with Adwords to do this. You can run image ads across the Google Display Networks (GDN) and continue to pay on a cost-per-click basis instead of a CPM (Cost-per-thousand impression) basis which most other platforms will require you to do. CPC ensures that you are only paying for people that have at least a bit of interest in your ad. Your ads can be incredibly targeted as well. With the Google Display Network you can target your ads based on:

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