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August 07

The Path To A Small Business Website Conversion

A website conversion takes place when a visitor to a website takes the action the website owner wants them to take. This action could be anything from starting a real time chat or downloading a valuable piece of content to submitting an RFQ (request for quote), making a donation or completing the buying process through ecommerce. To make your website a lead generating machine, you need to understand the path to a small business website conversion. Step 1 - Quality Website Traffic If you want to generate quality leads, you need quality website traffic. Yes, quantity can be important, but the quality is even more important. We tell our clients that it would be better to have 1000 quality visitors that are actually interested in their offering than have 2000 visitors that have little to no interest in their offering. Through small business SEO, search engine pay-per-click advertising and/or social media paid advertising, you can really hone in on your ideal buyers and generate quality ...

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June 03

A High Level Google Analytics Dashboard We Think You'll Like

Google Analytics is great...we've covered this topic before. Not only does it give you great insights into what's happening on your website, but it's FREE. What small business doesn't love a great product that is free?

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May 20

Your Old Friend Email Still Has a Few Tricks Left!

A common rumor in marketing and on the Internet is that email is on the way out and will surely be replaced by social media. This is not surprising considering the fact that at the beginning of 2014, 72% of all internet users were on social media. Most Internet users know just how easily and quickly information spreads over social media. In fact, sharing content can be done with the click of a button on various social media sites and that content has the potential to reach millions of people at astonishingly low costs.

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May 13

Complete Online Marketing Strategy Infographic

These days just having a website is not usually enough. If that's how you see your online presence, my guess is you probably aren't generating and leads or sales from your website...it probably just sits there. A complete online marketing strategy will allow you to reach more individuals, when they are looking, where they are looking, on any device, convert them to a sale or lead, and track them every step of the way. Sounds good, right? Of course it does. But you still may not be convinced. Need more convincing? Check out our infographic below with some stats that just might start changing your mind. Please feel free to share using the embed code below the image. Just in case you aren't a visual person, here are a few key stats!

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8 Important Online Marketing Statistics You Cannot Ignore

We know you should be in front of your target audience when they are online. You know you should be in front of your target audience online. Do you need more convincing? If so, here are 8 online marketing statistics that you definitely cannot ignore:

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April 26

Amazon Gets You To Buy - It's Not Rocket Science

If you have an internet connection, you have heard of Amazon.com. Haven't heard of them? Close your web browser. For those of you still with me, you probably now the ginormity (yup, I made that word up) of Amazon. They have products in every category imaginable, sell apps for smartphones, have movie rentals, MP3 downloads, and even offer staple grocery buying. Whats more, they have the cheapest prices the vast majority of the time, ship their products at the speed of light and have been around since the birth of the net for commercial use. When you think of ecommerce, you should think of Amazon.

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March 30

Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself

I see you are interested in email marketing, check this out: Free Guide on Setting Up Email Marketing Automation with MailChimp. I know I know, you expect everyone to remember you always and forever...especially past customers. Unfortunately that is not the case. We do so much on the web these days that it's possible that some things get forgotten, including signing up for email newsletters. Internet Service Providers monitor complaints and unsubscribe volumes from email marketing services and if they appear to be spamming, their IP ranges will start to get blocked. That means a lot of angry customers of. Not your customers, but customers of MailChimp, Constant Contact, Aweber, etc. If you don't want to end up on a you-know-what list from your email marketing provider, send a re-introduction email!

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March 10

3 Ways Realtors Can Spread The Word For New Properties Online

If you didn't catch my last two posts on rural realtors' use of the web for marketing, please check them out:

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March 03

MailChimp for Small Businesses Part 6

Did you successfully send out the first email blast for your small business? If you don't feel like you are ready, please take a look at the first 6 parts of the series:

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