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December 23

5 Systematic Steps to Increase Your Website Traffic

Every business wants to increase website traffic. More traffic means more customers. While there are several options for increasing your traffic, not all of them are created equal or provide equal results. Having a system to constantly improve and increase website traffic is the best approach to drive new customers.

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December 18

How to Handle Healthcare Technology Trade Show Marketing in 2021

It’s no secret that B2B trade shows are going to look much different in 2021. Is your business ready to make the necessary changes to the way you market at trade shows -- even if you’re not really there?

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December 16

Why Mobile Marketing Matters for Email Marketing Campaigns

Why does mobile matter for your email marketing efforts? According to OptInMonster, 78% of smartphone users check email on their phones. However, only 12% of email campaigns use responsive design. Not using responsive designs for email campaigns is doing yourself and your business a disservice. Responsive design mobile marketing emails generate 24% more clicks. What does it mean when nobody is optimizing their online efforts? It means there's an opportunity for you to outshine your competitors. You could follow the crowd and lag behind technology... or, you could blaze ahead and set the bar for your competitors and customers. 44.87% of the world's population owns a smartphone. Make your email campaigns responsive now to stay in front of tomorrow's prospects.

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December 14

How Long Does Successful Inbound Marketing Take to Produce Results?

One of the most common questions we get asked is, how long does successful inbound marketing take to produce results. On the surface, it seems like a straight forward question that should elicit a straight forward answer. One thing is for certain, successful inbound marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. You reap tremendous, compounding rewards with inbound marketing, but it doesn't happen overnight. The truth is, the timing of inbound results is dependent on a few factors.

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December 09

Can I Have Successful Inbound Marketing with my In-House Team?

As an executive, you work hard to put the pieces in place to achieve your goals. Sales and profitability are always items on your list of goals. That means successful inbound marketing should be one of the pieces on your radar. Let's take a look at the skill sets needed for inbound marketing success.

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December 08

6 SEO Copywriting Secrets from Professional Content Writers

So you want to be a professional content writer. (Or maybe not, but your boss is making you do it anyway.) The only true way to become a decent writer is to practice, practice, practice. But you can't ask your boss, or team, or entire company to wait around while you do grammar exercises. What can you do, starting now, to ensure your copy is up to snuff?

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December 02

What Is a SaaS Buyer Persona?

If you’ve stumbled on this article, you’re probably reassessing the way you approach sales/marketing efforts and feeling a little unsteady. Perhaps one of your biggest sticking points is, “How do I reach the right people in a digital space with an intangible product?” A better question (or two): “What is a buyer persona, and how will it help me reach those people?” A buyer persona is a semi-fictitious profile of your ideal customer. It consists of market analysis, current customer data, and hypothetical situations. A buyer persona touches on key information that could affect your marketing message, such as: Demographics Consumer behaviors Consumer goals/objectives Although relatively similar, buyer personas and target markets are not the same -- buyer personas are much more specific. Furthermore, SaaS buyer personas are different from regular buyer personas. And SaaS buyer journeys and marketing strategies greatly differ from traditional marketing strategies. Here’s what you need to ...

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December 02

How to Solve Your B2B Brand Awareness Problem

In order for your company to succeed, you have to be recognized. Creating brand awareness for your B2B company will help drive business and increase sales. Is your B2B company the best-kept secret in the country? If so, I bet you would like to change that. Here's how.

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November 25

Achieve B2B Sales Goals With Content Marketing

Content marketing creates and distributes valuable, relevant, and consistent content that your customers will enjoy and learn from. It reaches potential customers and builds awareness of your current offerings. How do you know if you’re reaching potential customers and building awareness of your current offers? By setting and analyzing goals. Don’t create content for the sake of creating content -- that’s a waste of your time and resources. Content marketing must have clearly outlined and measurable goals in order to produce ROI.

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November 24

How to Increase Your Website Traffic With a Content Marketing Strategy

What if annoyed customers didn’t shriek and run at the very sight of your company’s name or logo? What if they actually wanted reasons to visit your website? Creating a successful inbound marketing strategy will not only increase your website traffic, it will help your business stand out from competitors too.

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